
Showing posts from March, 2023
  Masquerade Disease--- A Woman’s Struggle Happy International Women’s Day!! #EmbraceEquity #2023 No doubt it is one of the most important days of the entire year, it is “International women’s day!!! This post is specially dedicated to all women across the world, “Being a woman itself is a superpower” In honor of the struggle women go through, this article focuses on a disease that affects women and girls with most silently agonizing through the pain considering the difficulty and limitations in the diagnosis of this disease. Given how good this disease is at hiding, we can accurately refer to it a masquerade disease--- Endometriosis. It is no wonder that March also happens to be “ Endometriosis Awareness Month” Background: A woman’s uterus (womb) is lined with tissues called endometrial tissue which make up the lining called endometrium. With each menstrual cycle, a new endometrium is grown in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg. In the absence of a fertil